Formula E: achieving net zero carbon footprint

The ABB FIA Formula E Championship has become the first global sport to be certified with a net zero carbon footprint from inception, investing in certified climate-protecting projects in all race markets to offset emissions from all six seasons of electric racing. Since its inaugural season, Formula E has worked with the carbon footprint experts Quantis to carry out a lifecycle assessment which is used to calculate the championship’s carbon footprint. Season 1: 25,000 tCO2 equivalent
Season 2: 12,000 tCO2 equivalent
Season 3: 13,500 tCO2 equivalent
Season 4: 32,000 tCO2 equivalent
Season 5: 45,000 tCO2 equivalent. Formula E has built a Sustainability Programme based on three pillars; delivering sustainable events, making a meaningful positive impact in each host city, and using our global platform to promote electric cars and the part they’ll play in addressing air pollution. Formula E has also educated around waste recycling to reduce what we send to landfill, using Recycling Rangers in high footfall areas to maximise recycling. Saving 53,000 tonnes of CO2 per year, the project is just one of nine projects helping to offset Formula E’s unavoidable emissions from the past six seasons. Formula E has also invested in Guarantees of Origins – renewable energy certificates in Europe, with the continent having hosted a number of events in the championship’s six-season history.

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